Mission Africa

Here is an update of HOW this trip came to be, before I post updates on how it is going.

From June 2017:
I am currently planning for a mission trip to South Africa! We will be traveling in August and I am so excited for God to use me through this trip.  Serving others, completing repairs to the orphanage, working with HIV affected children, and allowing some sweet brothers and sisters in Christ a time of respite for the hard work they do Every. Single. Day. makes me cry with gratefulness for the opportunity God has placed before me. I can’t imagine what He is going to show me, allow me experience, and teach me.

Here is my original post about South Africa on my blog: https://serveprayloveblog.wordpress.com/2016/12/16/break-my-heart-for-what-breaks-yours/

While my living situation, relationship status, and travel companions may have changed; my heart for God and my desire to meet His call has not changed.

The phrase “break my heart for what breaks yours” is my life-motto at the moment and I desire nothing more than to fulfill His calling in my life, to chase after Him, and to allow Him to use me however he sees fit.

Thank you all for your prayers! Now, I get to share updates about our trip! ♡

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